To all of our friends and supporters,

You are an important member of the Monroe County CASA team. Your support is what keeps our doors open, albeit figuratively during these challenging times.

I want to assure you that your investment in the advocacy work our volunteers give to the abused children in our community is being put to your intended use. The board of directors and I want to assure you that we are stretching every dollar as far as possible while making sure that the children of Monroe County are protected. We have cancelled all upcoming events, but we hope to reschedule those in the fall, once larger gatherings are considered safe.

These are extremely vulnerable times for the children we serve. Our volunteers are unable to have in person contact. The Department of Child Services is making very minimal in person contact and for some none at all. The kids are not in school where the teachers can have eyes on them. Service providers have had to cut back contact as well. Most concerning, the courts are not open for hearings.

Many of the kids are in their homes with parents who are more stressed that ever before. On top of the issues that brought them into the child welfare system, the parents have lost income, have confined children to parent contact 24 hours a day, and many do not have the skill set to aid in their education.

The children in foster care are now very limited in the contact they have with their parents. The additional trauma that creates is unmeasurable.

All of this may create the “perfect storm”.

The Monroe County CASA staff is working long hours, all from their homes. They have doubled up the contacts with the volunteers and case workers. Each of us is trying to be as creative as possible to minimize the effect this all has on the children. Our volunteers are embracing new technology so that they can attempt to “visit” with children virtually, and are making extra phone calls when that’s not possible.

I thank you for your support. Your contributions, your volunteer time, your attendance at events, your shares and comments on social media…it all shows us how much you value the work we do and the compassion you have for the children.

You are a valued member of the CASA Team and we all thank you.

Please be safe. Please stay healthy.

