Did you know that no amount of lead in the blood is safe, and that young children are especially vulnerable to negative health outcomes associated with lead poisoning? According to the CDC, lead exposure can impact children’s brains, nervous systems, growth, development, learning, hearing, speech, and more. Because lead-based paint is present in many houses and buildings built before 1978 as well as several other sources, it’s important to be aware of how lead exposure might impact the children in your cases. This page provides an overview of resources and information on lead exposure, testing, and more in Monroe County and the State of Indiana.

Blood Lead Testing

  • Free testing is available for children under 7 years old at the Monroe County Public Health Clinic. Call (812) 353-3244 to schedule an appointment
    • Free testing is available through many other county health departments. If a child’s county does not offer free testing, tests should be requested through their healthcare provider.
  • Many private insurance policies cover the cost of blood lead testing
  • Blood lead testing for children enrolled in Medicaid is covered by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services (according to the CDC 2024)
  • Children with lead poisoning may not have visible signs or symptoms
  • As of January 2023, House Enrolled Act 1313 requires all IN healthcare providers to determine if children 6 or younger have been tested for lead poisoning and to offer screening. Testing is recommended at 1- and 2- year check-ups but can be done any time if a child 3-6 hasn’t been tested before.

Risk Assessment

  • The county’s health department has licensed Lead Risk Assessors and Lead Inspectors on staff. A home visit and risk assessment are required when a child tests positive for high blood lead levels. The assessor collects samples around the home to identify the source(s) of the lead.


XRF Testing (X-Ray Fluorescence Testing)

  • This testing uses a handheld device that produces instant results about the presence and concentration of lead in paint. It does not damage the home or endanger the home’s occupants.
  • XRF is intended to test specific areas of concern – not entire buildings.
  • Free XRF testing is available for homeowners with specific areas of concern regarding lead in their house. Rental tenants need their landlord or leasing agency to request the testing for it to be free.
  • XRF testing accurately records painted surfaces like walls, windows, doors, floors, and trim. Readings for toys, ceramics, etc. may not be accurate.
  • Monroe County homeowners can request the free testing at the following link: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=AAemSQxMzk65BPuSxgDlUw2Fa8Ib9oJCnMWXFsNrZvFUOUxQWEM5Mlo1VVRNSTJGRlRPOEVINVRWMCQlQCN0PWcu

Elevated Risk

  • The CDC identifies the following as risk factors for children who are more likely to be exposed to lead:
    • Live or spend time in housing or other buildings built before 1978
    • Are from low-income households
    • Are immigrants, refugees, or recently adopted from less developed countries
    • Live or spend time with someone who works with lead
    • Live or spend time with someone who has hobbies that expose them to lead

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Written by: Lea Jones
CASA Intern and School of Social Work Masters student