What is Developing Capable Young People?

Developing Capable Young People is an evidence-based initiative with a successful track record spanning over 20 years. The program, created by Dr. Stephen Glenn, was originally designed to empower parents of high-risk children, fostering resilience and capability in their lives. This program is based on an extensive growing body of research that demonstrates the “Significant Seven”, which are the following three perceptions and four skills: perceptions of personal capability, perceptions of personal significance, perceptions of personal influence, intrapersonal skills, interpersonal skills, systemic skills, and judgement skills.
What’s Included?
This program consists of four 2-hour sessions and is free to anyone in Monroe County that wants to attend.
Participants will receive the four-session course and class materials, a free meal each night, free childcare and transportation assistance if needed.
What are the Session Topics?
Session 1 – Help People See Themselves as Capable
- Learn how to avoid the five barriers to healthy relationships
- Learn how to implement the five builders to healthy relationships
Session 2 – Help People See Themselves as Significant
- Identify the greatest human need
- Identify three conditions necessary to meet the greatest human need
Session 3 – Develop Self-Discipline
- Recognize approaches that discourage self-assessment, self-control, and self-discipline
- Teach the relationship between feelings, actions and results
- Structure the environment to teach the difference between wants and needs
Session 4 – Develop Responsibility
- Learn to avoid approaches that encourage irresponsibility
- Convey unqualified acceptance, love or respect
- Learn to teach responsibility through logical consequences and results
Who Should Attend?
Although the program was initially designed for parents of high-risk children, it is also highly recommended for anyone who works with children and youth.
- Parents
- Educators
- Juvenile Court Workers
- Counselors
- Psychologists
- Administrators
- Law Enforcement Personnel
- Youth Service Workers
- Substance Abuse Professionals
- Anyone who is in the position to influence youth in the Monroe County community
Registration for Youth Workers, CASA volunteers and other Professionals
There is no training scheduled at this time specifically for professionals. If you are a CASA volunteer, youth worker, or other professional who works with children, please register for our next parent/community member training that works for you.
Please notify your trainer if you would like CEUs for this training.
If you would like to schedule a separate training specifically just for your employees, please email details to .
Training for Parents and Community Members
Training for parents and community members will be held at the following times:
- February 4, 11, 18, 25
- April 1, 8, 15, 22
- June 3, 10, 17, 24
- October 7, 14, 21, 28
Sessions run from 5:30-7:30 p.m. All sessions will be held at the Unitarian Universalist Church at 2120 N. Fee Lane in Bloomington.
If you would like to sign up for one of the upcoming dates, please click HERE.
Details on a 10-session training are coming soon!
Click below to register now!
DCYP – Training for Parents and Community Members